Sure, its not like they have anything better to do!
Do bands/celebrities respond to you on myspace if you send them a comment/message?
They only answer if
you're another band or celebrity.
Since there's so much people
trying to contact them they have no
time to respond to everyones.
Do bands/celebrities respond to you on myspace if you send them a comment/message?
I'm still waiting for Kate Beckinsale to give me a call.
Do bands/celebrities respond to you on myspace if you send them a comment/message?
I have had some bands respond to me. But they were not big time groups! After they get big, they refer all correspondence to their agency. Sad but true. They have so many fans, their fans become statisical. Same is true with celebrities like writers and so forth..Ah! Stephen King, call me! Or just write....umm, I guess he does....and very well !!Peace Bro!!
Do bands/celebrities respond to you on myspace if you send them a comment/message?
The unknown upcoming artist will usually respond. They want to build a fan base. Even the Bigwigs might respond too, but they most likely have a team of people that do it for them. Beyonce said she was gonna write a blog everyday while she was on tour, when the interviewer asked if it was really HER responding to everyone, she gave him this look, (as if to say, don't ask that!). She paused for a second, smiled and said , "Yes of course it's really me"... I think she didn't want to hurt the feelings of her younger fans. Truth is most celebs are just WAY too busy. That's where the promotions department takes over. You would probably have better luck with a response if you went to the official site of the artist and joined their fan club. Sorry to break the news to ya. Oh, by the way, the Tooth Fairy is all a scam too!
Do bands/celebrities respond to you on myspace if you send them a comment/message?
Most are fakes-- remember that.
And it all depends. Local bands might respond, and bigger bands and celebs will probably just add you.
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