Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is there a way to display more than 40 top friends?

I've searched the net but haven't found any HTML or CSS code anywhere that will allow me to increase the number of top friends displayed.

I've created and am maintaining and heavily promoting an "Elect Ron Paul 2008" MySpace page ( and I'm currently displaying mostly celebrity friends in the hopes that people will see their favorite singer, comedian etc. supporting Dr. Paul and hopefully become friends themselves. I know it works because I was getting hate mail from one guy I tried to add until I pointed out to him that two of his favorite celebrities were supporters. He's now a supporter.

Anyway, I've got more than 40 celebrities as friends and I'd like to include more non-celebrities in my top friends as well.

Can anyone help?

Is there a way to display more than 40 top friends?

There are ways, but they are VERY complicated, and you will likely deem it to be not worth the trouble. To state it as clearly as i can, you must create a "div overlay", which is like a fake mask that goes on top of your friends list, which LOOKS like your friends list, but is customized by you.

What you must do is make this div mask have %26gt;40 friends with html coding, but where the complexity comes in is when you try to position the mask perfectly on top of your friend space in the effect that it looks just like it w/o lookin sloppy, which is something even i cannot master. Believe me, what you are requesting is one of the most difficult things to do on a profile cuz you're not the first one to ask this question and i've tried it!!

But if you're determined to figure it out, these are two good websites to look up for the job. Good luck!! =)

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