at school today in computer class we had FREE time on the computer she said no myspace and xanga or music or anything like that
i got on to a celebrity blog and there was this lingre ad with like a girl in a bra and panies being "exotic" or somethin like that so i turned it off
in our school the computer teacher can see what everyones at the same time on on her screen
so she calls me up and says the site i was on was innaporpiate and i told her that it wasnt bad it was just ad
and i couldnt help that
she said i should of just turn it off and told her about now im not allowed to use the computer
shouldnt the school have parental controll??????
was it really my fault????
they told us ther ule about telling last year im not new but shouldnt they reamind us?????
i think im in trouble wat should i say to my defense??????
Should i really be punished?
Your teacher needs to be educated about surfing the net, lot of things you don`t want to see,suddenly pops up. You know that you are not at fault, but unfortunately there isn`t much you can do about it. you can try to talk to her once again, if she is fair she will allow you back on the computer.
Should i really be punished?
has the police knocked on your door yet? run!
Should i really be punished?
hec no! this was not your fault! tell your parent s and fight it! that is so wrong! you cant control what pops up on the decent cite! fight it! goodluck!
Should i really be punished?
No you shouldn't be in trouble. You didn't go on any websites that they said you werent allowed on and you ant help what ad's are on the website. Also, you turned it off right after you saw it. So no one else could have been exposed to it for that long. Say what i just said and you should be fine. Hope everything works out! =]
Should i really be punished?
well, i really don't think u should of been on a celebrity blog in the first place......
Should i really be punished?
I feel sorry for you. You said that the picture of the girl in bra and panties just popped up. I have things to pop up on my computer too. You can't help what pops up on your computer. As long as you clicked out of it, you shouldn't be punished. I think you should talk to your parents and tell your computer teacher about how it just popped up instead of being punished for something you didn't do purposely.
Should i really be punished?
Stay after school/class and tell her that you don't think you deserve the punishment and explain exactly what you did here. Say you can't help ads, and SHE'S the one who said you can go anywhere but myspace and xanga.
Should i really be punished?
As far as your defense, just say exactly what you told us.
As far as punishment.... You mentioned that you had been told last year about closing out the program and immediately telling your teacher about what happened. If your old enough to use the computer, you should be old enough to remember the rules. Since you didn't remember the rules, you don't get to use the computer. I think that's fair. It sucks, but its fair. Sorry.
Considering it was an accident, I would ask your parents if they could talk to the teacher about installing a parental control or at least a pop-up blocker. I'm really surprised the computers don't already have it.
Should i really be punished?
not your fault really.but the school should have a filter like our district has.It makes it a lot easier for this to be prevented although it's a pain.and my computer teacher has the same thing(and he will get reallly mad if he catches you on a proxy)
Should i really be punished?
at school today in computer class we had FREE time on the computer she said no myspace and xanga or music or anything like that
Sounds like the site you went to was 'anything like that', so yes, it was really your fault.
Should i really be punished?
I go to a school that has blocked BARBIE.COM people. THEY BLOCKED BARBIE.
Should i really be punished?
no its not your fault!!! it was just an add and you can't help what it is.
Should i really be punished?
no its not i mean its not like u can pick it and she didn't say anything about ads so yea they should have a controll thing my school does though it gets enoying
Should i really be punished?
"Anything like that", to me, covers pretty much everything aside from Celebrity sites, knowing what celebrities do, would definitely contain inappropriate content. Even if the teacher can see all your screens, she won't know if you turned yours off. Yes, you should have called her attention immediately. Parental control is costly and ineffective. Your only defense is that upon seeing the picture, you turned it off immediately and claim that "out of confusion" failed to alert the teacher immediately. Add to that a promise to be very careful in picking sites to go to next time.
Should i really be punished?
It wasn't your fault. Your teacher shouldn't have punished you.
Should i really be punished?
No, she is being rediculous. I think she should lighten up
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